Oh, how I wish I could just sleep in! It is Saturday morning and I have woken up at 6:00. I actually woke up at about 3,4, and 5, but I convinced myself to at least sleep to a reasonable hour. Since I can remember, I have found myself awake before anyone else no matter where I am sleeping. I used to pray to be able to sleep in. Most people who know me know that I'm definitely a morning person. What most people like to do at night, watch movies, go to parties, read books, etc., I'd much rather do in the morning. If I try at night, I fall asleep and get really grumpy when I have to wake up to people talking or loud movies. (All the friends I had sleepovers with will agree. I really am sorry for the things I said, but I honestly couldn't help it.) I will gladly go to bed at 10:30 (usually not by choice) and wake up at 6:30. But the hitch is, it doesn't matter when I go to bed, I wake up at the same time anyway. If I get a second wind and stay up unti

l the late hours of the night, it doesn't matter. It used to drive me crazy knowing I could sleep in but just ...well...couldn't. KC likes to story about Christmas last year. Not only am I an early bird, but when I'm in a time zone that makes it even 2 hours earlier, I know it's going to be a long morning. So I woke up rather early Christmas morning. I would blame it on the day since as a kid we all had trouble sleeping in, but I think I'm past that by now. I was sleeping at
KC's house. I knew I would wake up early, and I wondered what I would do in another person's house when they all sleep in. I naturally woke up at 6:30. I decided to go to the living room where KC was sleeping and see if I could just hang out there until someone woke up. At least I wouldn't be alone. Of course he woke up and we talked a little. He's very kind about my morning alertness. He asked what time it was and I told him what my clock said, when he looked at the clock next to him that clearly said 5:20 am. We had only been in Utah a couple days, so this felt like 3:20am. My clock was wrong, but now I was awake and there was no turning back. Poor KC isn't like me, he likes his sleep. But he knew I was awake and stayed with me. Others didn't wake up until about 8:30 or something. We actually got engaged that day and you can tell in a couple pictures he looks pretty tired. He hid it well for the most part. We laugh about it, but I still don't know how I don't need the sleep that everyone else is so desperate to have. Maybe it's a blessing in disguise. I have tried to use the time wisely over the years getting things done in the morning rather than later in the day, but just because I'm awake doesn't mean I want to get started with the day. Maybe later I'll have a child that will demand my morning alertness, and of course on those days I'll magically be able to sleep in. To tell you the truth, I'm starting

to appreciate my alone time in the morning while I still have it. I get to blog, watch the morning TV I'm very familiar with, and sometimes even make a special breakfast, my favorite meal to make and eat. That's always been one of my preferred morning pastimes. I'll find my early bird purpose sometime in this life. Until then, if anyone wants to hang out around 6:30 ET, give me a call. We'll do breakfast.