Saturday, March 08, 2008

Knock Knock

The boy I babysit has been crazy about knock knock jokes lately. I taught him the "boo who " one, which he thought was hilarious, so I reached into my brain to pull out something that would really knock his socks off. Here is the debut, unless it's been circulating for years and I haven't heard it (which is probably has).

Knock knock.
Whose there?
Hatch who?
Bless you! Do you need a tissue?

Boy did he laugh. He wanted to retaliate with one equally entertaining, so here is what he came up with.

Knock knock.
Whose there?
Bike who?
I see my bike outside. (laugh,laugh,laugh,laugh...)

He kept telling jokes like that until I finally didn't give as enthusiastic of a courtesy laugh and I think he realized it didn't really make sense. We had a good time anyway.


Lili and Jeff said...

Kids always seem to think making up knock knock jokes is the best. I do recall Jefferson doing it several times. The funniest part is how they think it so funny in the end, which is quite hilarious. Aw, to be so easily entertained, what I wouldn't give. Children are so wonderful in their innocence. Just please don't teach the rude interrupting cow one... I hate that one...

Amber said...

Remember Jordan't Moab cow knock knock joke. Something about cows going to Moovies in Mooab.