Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Out and About

I LOVE waking up and remembering it’s Saturday and that KC is here to stay. We made lots of plans to get out with the babies. We have also been changing up their schedule a little bit, so the distractions were great. He needed new tires from Costco, so that was our first stop (I have a policy about not going to Costco on Saturday, but hey, kids change everything). While he was getting that squared away, the babies and I just played in the car in a nice shady parking spot. We took out one of the captains seats, and it is awesome. There is room for gear, a space to change diapers, and, as you can see, a place to just sit and play. And I don’t have to crawl over that huge seat to put a the babies in the back. The space just feels luxurious. I am a van mom, and proud of it. I haven’t said much about our van on the blog, have I? I’ll give it a proper post one of these days. 060 061 062

Costco was as fun as a trip to Costco on a Saturday can be. Not as bad as I expected though. The babies received a bit of attention that I’ve grown to predict. One group of ladies were particularly sweet and funny, practically squealing with delight as we were passing them. I had Ruby and Alex in the cart, while KC was somewhere else with Bennett in the stroller. (The boys were in matching outfits that day, like that last time we went to Costco, but I didn’t make the mistake of putting them side by side in the cart again. That really stops traffic.) When they saw the third, they really caused a scene. I just usually smile and answer the usual questions before politely moving on.  As we walked away, one lady said “I just want to take those thighs and glue my lips to ‘em!” I had quite a laugh at that.066 068 069

After their next nap (during which I did a little shopping, alone! ahh. . .), we decided to, again, take the whole family out, this time for a trip the library. Annoyingly, the book I had on hold wasn’t ready for me yet, so we just got and audio book, and some Signing Time DVDs for the babies and went on our way. They were little sweeties. Such great sports to go on all these adventures and  maintain happy faces for all the passing admirers. I think they were pretty beat though, because 2/3 fell asleep on the way home.


Sarah said...

I want to glue my lips to those cheeks! Oh they are cute!
I want a van now... and I only have one. Ha.

Melissa said...

It doesn't look like there's anyone in the aisle. Our Costco is a nightmare on Saturday. One of the reasons I always wanted twins was just to create a scene wherever I'd go. How fun with triplets. I'm sure it makes all the hard work worth it, ha! I think we should take out one of our chairs out of the van. That looks like a fun space.

Cami said...

That van looks luxurious. Perhaps I'll take two of my seats out and do that too. :) Also, very clean. Ah, the pre snack-in-the-car days.

Again, you are crazy to take those munchkins to Costco on Saturday. (Did I tell you about the family I saw with triplets and two older kids having dinner at Costco on their 10th anniversary?? Awesome.)

Glad you are getting out and about. As much as I hate to do it, I always feel better when I do.

Unknown said...

I'm sure they enjoy the change of scene just like you two do. And nice to let others enjoy the babes as well.