For a while, a few of us around here have mentioned that we have wanted someone to host a Pampered Chef party. So I finally bit the bullet and hosted one. I didn't think it was possible in my apartment at first, but with a little imagination, and rearranging, it worked out pretty well. KC and I moved everything except the couch into the bedroom the night before. We lined up chairs like a classroom and easily fit about 13 fun ladies, consisting of church friends, neighbors, and a sister, two of which had babies with them, in this small space. Everyone was very kind about being so tightly fitted together, and I think we all had a great ti

me. Stacy, the consultant and I got to know each other pretty well. She came an hour before the party began to set up and prepare some food. She made delicious
caramel pecan cakes and a microwave
barbecue pork tenderloin. It was very delicious and it only took 15 minutes for 2 lbs. of meat. I made some whole wheat rolls to go with the pork for sandwiches, along with mini pumpkin tarts, beet and sweet potato chips with a roasted onio

n dip, and a lemon curd fruit dip with pears and grapes. There was wassail on the stove, but it was little warm so only a few wanted it. So there was plenty of food to be had, and lots of fun stuff to buy. Now, I was expecting a little bit of a discount for hosting, but not nearly the deal I got. A lot of free, 60% off, 50% off, and 25% off items. I still haven't made my decisions on exactly what to order, but I think I'll have fun doing it. Also, two of my girls booked parties, so I get a deal of two 60% off items at their parties as well. They really hook you coming out with new products all t

he time. Now, I'll just have to find room for all my new gadgets, whatever they may be. Thanks for coming ladies. I enjoyed having you. It was
definitely worth the rearranging, and it helped us discover a better way to layout our living room. It feels a lot bigger and more opened up. I like this no restrictions rule I've
given myself. It's very liberating.
Great room rearrangement! It is always nice to have a change. I'm so glad your party went well. I knew you'd pull it off! Oh, and I love your fun top.
Who knew you could put the couch in another spot?! Looks great and I have finally figured out where your tree is located. Clever. The food sounds delicious.
Holy cow Em! How do you function in that small space? I couldn't stand living in such a small space, luckily we have a huge living room. Great job working with such a crazy space.
Haylie, I suppose it's easy to say that seeing as you are living in the western US where rest is literally half of what it is here in the east. We actually like having our space limited at times. We had other options with more space, but we liked the neighborhood and the landlord, so there you go. It's perfect for the two of us. But when it's time to move, we'll be ready.
I meant rent, not rest.
Oh! I like the new set-up! And it was so fun to see familiar faces at your party. I shouldn't read your blog on Fast Sunday. I'm suddenly ravenous.
Emily, this is Emilie P. (I'm one of Melody's old roomates) I have to admit I peruse your blog often and love seeing all the delicious recipes you try and all the pictures of you and your husband. You look so happy! I was looking at the pictures of your apartment and I LOVE the brown reclining chair and footstool. I was wondering where did you find them?
Thanks for the invite I had a great time!! I really like how you have it rearranged! I thought your place was so cute.
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