Friday, October 08, 2010

Best of Friends

It seems a special bond is forming between two of the three. Not the identical boys, though they do have fun together on occasion. It’s Ruby and Alex that can’t seem to get enough of each other. I am constantly catching them making each other laugh like crazy. Alex really likes to play steam roller with her, but she doesn’t seem to mind at all. Bennett seems pretty independent. He is often found happily playing alone. Such a sweetie. Sometimes he tries to join in the fun, but is usually ignored. As you’ll see in the last video, Ruby and Bennett hardly glance at each other in passing. I wonder what it is that draws these two funny kids together. All I know is it never ceases to crack me up .

Ruby has a surprise for you in this one.

And you probably noticed Alex is still mainly scooting, but we did notice a few crawls today. (Believe me, I’m totally fine with him not  being an expert crawler yet. I can hardly keep up with all of them as it is.) But he can also do this.   038


Janice said...

I can't believe how much they have changed in one month!! Videos are so fun to watch. Hang on Ruby..

Kassi said...

They are so sweet. It was so fun to see them interact!

Tyler and Sunni said...

Oh, it is so fun to see those cute kids. And I thought my little one was loud... but to have 3 of them!

melody said...

Jonny and I just watched all the videos. He thinks Ruby's scooting is the funniest thing. I think that girl may be walking before I get there!

It's so fun to watch them playing together. See you all in four days...

Unknown said...

I can't believe how big they are!! Has to be kinda nice to have built in friends ;)

Unknown said...


Lili and Jeff said...

I love the video blogs! They are always fun to come back to and rewatch a few weeks later as well. It is fun to watch these sillies, even when I see the videos in the making! Every day I wake up excited to see their cute little faces while Penny and I play.