Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Sometimes you just gotta let go.

I must have forgotten to rubber band the toy cupboard door closed, and the babies took full advantage. But they were happy, and I was able to bake bread and do laundry, etc., in a whine-free environment, so I guess getting everything out at once is okay now and then. I’m putting my toy police badge away for today. Good thing we aren’t expecting any company at this precise moment.157064165170

The irony is, at one point, Alex was cheerfully singing the clean up song as he was stacking blocks.

I’m glad I have a good book to listen to for when I decide to tackle this. Or I might just wait for KC to get home.


Janice Graham said...

Whoa! That's a lot of fun toys. I like how you just submit to your temporary situation and find creative solutions when possible.

Janice said...

In my view - this is definitely helping their curious minds to develop! I love how happily engaged they all are.

Karlene said...

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I miss those kind of messes! It made me smile :)