Friday, January 01, 2010

Well, wouldn't you stay in Utah for three more weeks if you had all this help?

Cause that's exactly what I'm doing. I mean, they've been very fussy in the evenings lately. So that mixed the the airport chaos, and the colds these little ones have, I just couldn't stomach the idea of going home yet. I'll only have a fraction of the wonderful help I have here. They have been getting better at sleeping more deeply and longer during the nights though, so I feel like a little more time will be just enough to get us through this. Oh, we'll miss Daddy desperately, but he said himself that we should maximize the help. I did have to make a million phone calls to finagle a way to have their Synagis vaccines (for RSV-you have to qualify, and they only ship to specific doctors for specific babies) sent to a pediatrician here. They are due for their next dose, and it was the main thing taking us back to Maryland. But, that's pretty much taken care of, so here we are for a while longer.

By the way, these babies are just blossoming these days. The smiles are abundant, and they are cooing like crazy. It just melts everyone's hearts. But mostly mommy and daddy. I'll have to show you sometime.


Marianne said...


Megan and Taj said...

you are staying longer!!!!!!!!!!! I must come visit you and those little angels!!!! I will be calling miss melody so that we can have a play date in the coming days!!!!!! (if you are up to that of coarse!)

Lindsey Bench said...

What a great idea! I'm glad to hear that. Asher has been snot nosed, coughy, and feverish and not wanting to bring any of those germs your way, i've had to stay away! I better get this babe better soon.

Melissa said...

I don't blame you. I'd be having a panic attack going home alone with all of them. Good for you. Get them sleeping 7 hour stretches at night and they'll be ready to go home then. By the way, I'm up and running again with my blog. I just changed the address to guard the privacy a little.

Merinda Reeder said...

Not at all surprised. Just do come home eventually.

Molly said...

Oh, I knew it! First it starts with just 3 more weeks, pretty soon you'll be in Utah permanently and I'll have absolutely 0 reason not to move myself. Love you and miss you. Kiss those cute babies for me. We'll talk soon:)