Wednesday, January 12, 2011

And. . .Action!

Just open, feed, and enjoy.

Ruby is off in her own little world. It wasn’t until I watched the video that I noticed her silliness.

The boys decided to give the ol’ bum scoot a try. I think they liked it.

Even playing under the tent is fun. The possibilities are endless.

All those baby DVDs are actually paying off.


Nicole said...

Oh my gosh. This was just what I needed to cheer me up on this blah work day. I can't get enough of those giggling cuties! I'm so impressed with Alex's B D Blah alphabet.

Sarah said...

So cute! I am very impressed by the alphabet already. Very advanced - we expected nothing less from your children :)

Janice Graham said...

Love these videos. Word games, no less!

Chad and Bree Fowles said...

Impressive scooting skills! a hoot! I love watching those kiddos. Always brightens my day

Matt said...

Five stars. Looove when Mr. B tries to do the bum scoot on his knees. Their little monkey laughs still crack me up.

Lili and Jeff said...

I think Penny and I are going to die of depression when we don't get to play with you and your babies every day. We will have to go through some kind of recovery program.

Jonathan and Janessa said...

Oh my goodness! They are so big and adorable and smart!

I was referring to you about the Nandos restaurant. You'll have to let me know how it goes :) We only have a few American restaurants in our neck of the woods so we don't get any variety unless I cook it myself :)