Saturday, August 20, 2011

Does this help?

People naturally have a hard time telling the boys apart. They do look rather alike, though I can tell who’s who from any angle or any noise they make, but that’s part of being their mom. But I understand how it might be hard for others. I try to dress them differently most of the time (I actually regret buying the few matching outfits they have. I like when they look more individual, even if it’s just different colors of the same shirt.), and put Bennett in more of a blue color scheme if that is an option. His shoes are also blue. But I also point out to people that Alex is and always has been a bit on the chubbier side. His nursery leader uses that hint. In fact, that’s the technique I sometimes relied on when they were newborns that looked much more alike than they do now.

But I have come up with one more way to help people tell them apart, by giving them different hair cuts. I love their little baby boy curls more than anything, but Bennett seems to be able to pull the look off a bit better. And with Alex’s cheeks taking over, I thought he could use less poofy helmet to help balance that out. Here’s the result. He’s a bit too handsome for his own good, if you ask me. They both are. I am in for it.




I actually cut Alex’s hair twice in the last few days (the pictures above are after the second cut), since it wasn’t short enough for my liking in these pictures below, but still, don’t you you think it helps set them apart a little bit more?IMG_1764IMG_1779IMG_1783

Is it bad that a picture where they are so sad makes me so happy?IMG_1761

This should be especially helpful with our upcoming travels to Utah! We haven’t been there in over a year, and they have changed a bit since then. I don’t mind helping when people ask who’s who, but maybe this little difference will make it even easier on those that haven’t seen then in quite some time.


Sarah said...

Cute cuts. I love the crying picture :)

Janice said...

I love the crying picture. What made them so sad?

Emily said...

I turned off Nemo for 5 seconds to get them to look at the camera. You'd think I just told them their dog was dead (not that we have a dog or anything).

Cami said...

Yes, much easier. Thank you.