Tuesday, July 22, 2008


There's no way we can possibly express our gratitude for the outpouring of support and love we have felt from so many people that have seen this blog. Including family, friends, and complete strangers. We feel completely humbled to be the recipients of such support. Thank you so much to all those that have used space on their own blogs to help us. And for those who have emailed, or just told others you know. We have faith that with all that you are doing for us, we are bound to find the child that is meant to be with our family.

We are hoping to get the blog back to normal with it's more upbeat and everyday topics. And with the help of some very gracious friends and family, we will soon have a website with our profile that will provide information about us for prospective birthparents to view to see if we are right for them. I will link it to the side of this blog if you need to refer anyone to it. We know it make take quite some time for all this to run its course, so please just keep us in the back of your minds, and if anything turns up, we'd love to know. And we'll keep you posted with any news as well.

Thanks again friends. We are completely indebted to all of you.


melody said...

The website is a great idea. I have been reading the comments on your blog and the posts on others. I am thankful for all the support you are receiving as well. When even strangers are so willing to help, I remember what a beautiful world this really is. Can't wait to read your posts again - and good luck getting the website together. Love you!

Jill said...

I have to agree with melody...sometimes with all the garbage going on in the world it's nice to have a little faith restored in humanity. Good luck with the website, I can't wait to see it!

Janine said...

Emily& KC,
You are also in our thoughts and prayers. We will keep you in mind, and hope that things work out soon. It is definitely a tough time, but you will survive, and be stronger for it. I am glad you are tapping your friends, because there is tons of strength, comfort, and support.

Lin said...


found this site from a guest blogger on this site:


it's hosted by that guest blogger (Krista) who has adopted and is LDS. looked interesting (although I didn't get too thorough a look), thought I'd share.

I think a website is a great idea to get the word out and keep things going. Best of luck!