Friday, December 04, 2009

"Tomorrow is another day."

Last night was bad. If Mom, KC, and my kind friend Christina who was graciously helping us last night hadn't convinced me to get some sleep from 10:30 pm until the babies' next feeding (which they decided was about 1 1/2 hours later, the little schedule breakers), I might not have gotten much sleep at all. I'm not really sure if I slept much after that. They were just awake and fussy enough to keep at least two of us busy all night. When one went down, the other(s) decided to come online (KC's terms for when they start waking up by grunting and whimpering and then inevitably scream if we don't act fast), so we'd put the sleeping one down to get the other and the cycle continues. I tried to go sleep in my room between the time when one is asleep until one is awake, but it's just annoying to get comfortable for about 2 minutes before I have to come out again, so I just end up trying to sleep in the living room. At one point I just sat there praying in tears just wondering if this sleepless night would end as I was nursing Ruby, while trying to soothe Bennett (who I thought was Alex all night-oops) with a pacifier that he didn't want, and just waiting for Alex to decide join the fun. I wanted the other adults to sleep since it's better that only one of us is tired beyond all reason, rather than all of us. Of course the babies were adorable as ever with their wide eyes and cute expressions (after they were fed and content, or course) making it hard to be mad at them personally, but at the situation mostly. Eventually, when the daylight was starting to show through the windows, everyone was quiet for about an hour and I tried to doze off a bit until the hunger struck again. We all sat there feeding babies talking about that hard night we just had, and actually being able to laugh about it a little.

One silver lining to a hard night, it usually a very quiet morning, which we've enjoyed. I've even checked to make sure they were breathing a couple time since they were so still and quiet for so long. I even had a long leisurely bubble bath after a nice rest without having to rush out with wet hair to help with crying babies as can happen on occasion.

During nights like that, I try to repeat those words of Scarlett O'Hara from my title in my head, remembering that this is only a fleeting moment and I will be well-rested again some day. Just take it a day at a time, right? Good thing I love these babies so much.


Chad and Bree Fowles said...

Hey...There were times I contemplated throwing Reese out the window..and I only dealt with one at a time. I think you guys are selfless and brave. Your right on when you say this is but a moment

Marianne said...

It's nice to hear the bad with the good- I know you LOVE being a mom, but it's also good to know that you're human, too! I only have experience with babysitting and siblings, but I know how exhausting it can get when a baby JUST WON'T STOP crying. You're a brave soul... hang in there:)

Bean said...

Can you say it as dramatically as Scarlett though?
I bribed each of those babies last night. I said if they would sleep all night, I would pay for their college tuition. I'm surprised that didn't work...

Sarah said...

I know where you are coming from - slightly. (You know, I only had one.) But just know, "this too shall pass." Motherhood is the most rewarding hardship! (I don't mean to make it sound bad - just worth every moment.)

Savannah said...

I don't know how you do it. You are one tough chick! But love makes you do crazy things I guess! :) You're a great mom, good luck with everything!

melody said...

Ha ha ha ha ha about "Bean's" comment, not about your nearly-sleepless night. "Saw-yee," as Julia says. (Sorry)There's nothing easy about a night like that. Congrats on making it through that one.

Jill said...
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Jill said...

I have this sad picture in my head right now of you sitting on the couch crying and trying to comfort three tiny babies...I'm sure glad you can laugh about things like that the morning after, that's the reason you were built to have triplets!!

Good luck in the nights come...sleep will come. eventually :)

Cami said...

one day at a time is right. It gets so hard sometimes, I am sure! I hate the tired beyond all reason thing. I usually start throwing things, but it's much better not to!