Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My baby girl can crawl!

But of course she didn’t want to show it to me when I was trying to catch it on camera yesterday. (Well, she actually did perform very well once , but I accidentally wasn’t filming, when I thought I was. I just can’t win! Oh well, next time.) She did give us a good show of another method of transportation, though. This is especially funny when she is wearing something with snaps on the bum, cause it clicks with every scoot.

We also found her turning the pages of board books that she got out all by herself this morning. Looks like the wheels are really turning in that growing brain of hers. 005 012

Now, I have to go kiss her face.


Matt said...

Loving the little slow reach back to see what she bumped into. Darling little scooter.

Michelle and Cisco said...

hahaha love this. love the scooting. I would like to go kiss her now too.

melody said...

Oh man, that is so funny and cute. Neither of my kids ever scooted like that. It is hilarious!

Can't wait to see her crawling skills when you catch them on camera.

Jill said...

Those flailing scooter legs are hilarious!

It's so fun when they start to do new things like that...I can't wait to see the actual crawl!

Janice said...

Clever girl. I loved her ball encounter face reaction.

Kassi said...

She is so darn cute! What a crack up that little scoot is. She is one happy little girl!

Cami said...

What a funny girl! Remember Ethan's scooting? His was much more violent than that, especially with his cast. Her's is so dainty. I can imagine the snaps are so funny.

Sarah said...

Oh man. That is so crazy! When did they get big?
My favorite part is the surprise on her face when she bonks her head on the ball. So funny.

Tyra said...

She's so CUTE! I love the little scooting! Lily used to do that too. :)

Anonymous said...

Wow. She is just too cute!

Matt said...

This is def. a re-watcher.