Monday, November 22, 2010

So, does this mean no more bum-scooting soon?

I can’t tell you how hard it was to capture this video. I probably took a week. She’d walk across the room, so I’d grab the camera to see if she’d do it again, and then she’d have nothing of it. Quite aggravating. This is the best we could do for now. (That’s Jeff and Lili helping me out. KC was in the other room with the boys.) She looks way too old for me.

I think we’ll let Ruby take over story time from now on.

How am I supposed to get any cooking done under these conditions?

It seems like Bennett gets gypped in the video area sometimes, so here’s his little spotlight. This was after I fed them their oatmeal at 6:30 this morning.


Drew said...


Jill said...

oh my goodness, I can't believe little Ruby is walking!! And that story reading...adorable

Janice said...

Loved these videos! What a gift! Ruby walks! I'm counting the days till I see you all in person.

C Smith said...

I love Rubie's self satisfied grin! I have to tell you that my 21 month old, Rosie, loves your babies. Whenever I pull up your site and start a video she says "mine babies!" She is so excited to see them, it's like a tv program to her.

melody said...

Julia and I loved all the videos. Ruby is awesome at her walking, but I would miss the bum scooting - it is hilarious. The "reading" is darling. And the kitchen party looks like a blast. When Ruby was getting close to hitting Bennett, Julia said, "Ruby just doesn't know what to do." Yeah, this is coming from the girl who intentionally hit Baby Brady on the head with a big wooden puzzle this morning. At least Ruby scooted away when you told her no!

We miss you guys. Thanks for the videos. I even love watching them eat oatmeal. Reminds me of the breakfast movies you took of Julia that one UT trip.

Michelle and Cisco said...

These videos show their cute personalities so much!! They are growing so fast!! Press pause until i can see you in person!! please!!

Amber said...

I can't believe she is walking! They are growing up so fast. They are all adorable...wish I lived closer.

Janice Graham said...

These videos. Great. They have changed so much since I was there in Sept. See you soon! Love, Nana Jan

Cami said...

Oh my heckingosh! She is very cute. GREAT JOB RUBY! Thanks for all the videos. I guess I ought to take more soon . . . Oh I did! I ought to post it. :)

Amber said...

They totally are so big now! I loved Ruby's classic faces and her bum scoot. I can't believe she is walking. That is about when all of my not preemie babies have walked! Also, I love Bennet's bum circle around. Heavens they are cute!

Matt said...

I love the celebratory circle Mr. B. does when he gets the spatula finally!

Give Ms. R. a high five for me. What's some fine walking.

I had a dream about the babi3s last week. I'll tell you about it sometime.

Nicole said...

Seriously - why do we buy kids toys. I remember when we were little my sister could be entertained for hours with a pot and a sock. Babies love kitchens!

Matt said...

Rewatching that circle B performs is not getting old.