Thursday, June 16, 2011

Big reunion for little people.

We had the pleasure of attending our NICU reunion last week. It was a beautiful day despite the warning for heavy rain, and we had a wonderful time. It was great to chat with other “survivors”, a.k.a. parents of triplets. We could’ve talked, laughed, commiserated, empathized, warned, interrogated, and applauded for hours. We actually met the couple on the left at the NICU Christmas party when their babies were only a few days old. Look at the chubbiness now! I loved that round-faced, rosy cheek age. We met the other family that day, and only a few minutes after the picture was taken met a couple other triplet families. There’s nothing like talking with people that truly know what you’re going through. There is an instant bond.031

While observing other families managing their multiples, we realized that we might be in the most difficult stage when it comes to going out and about. The younger ones would just sit or lay contentedly on the blanket, unable to crawl yet, happily drinking their bottles. And the older ones stayed by their parents, or held hands with each other. Imagine that! Our kids just run away, in all different directions! Bennett got pretty cranky by after a while from being strapped in his stroller. Suckers had to be used. Luckily we were given tickets to ride the carousel, and decided to give it a try. They loved it.032

I saw another awesome friend I met while in the NICU. Her baby was SO TINY (like under 2 pounds) when we left the hospital. Now she is a beautiful, bubbly toddler. The NICU is an amazing place. I hope we always keep in touch.

I was thrilled to see all these people, including some of the staff that were able to make it. They were all part of this huge and significant time in our lives. I hope we can attend more events like this in the future.


SassyMama said...

Yes, it will be a beautiful day when your kids hold hands with each other and you can take them places without having to run in three different directions at the same time. When that happened for us, it was like a whole new world:) Won't be long now!

Janine said...

How fun to see so many other little miracles! I love seeing how big and beautiful your little family is growing.