Thursday, December 16, 2010

NICU Party Time

We had the pleasure of attending a NICU holiday party on Sunday. I was debating whether to go or not, with Ruby sporting a scary-looking case of hives, and the boys on antibiotics. But since no one was contagious anymore, I thought we’d regret it if we didn’t even make an appearance, even if it was a short one.  We went made the very familiar drive to the hospital, and joined the party in the auditorium. After we were warmly greeted, they gave a darling little shirt that said NICU Graduate to each of the babies. We had fun chatting with the nurses and doctors who took such great care of my now-chubby babies, and they were amazed and grateful at how perfectly they have grown. I couldn’t’ stop saying thank you to everyone for all they’ve done. It was a great reunion.

I was introduced to another mom of triplets. Hers were still in the NICU, but would be going home shortly. She was a darling, petite girl, and I nearly fainted when she told me she made it to her scheduled c-section at almost 35 weeks, and with hardly any bed rest. Yikes! I guess some bodies are built different than others, but I was part amazed, part jealous, and part sorry for her. I mean, I would’ve loved to make it longer in the pregnancy so that my babies had the best chance possible at being healthy, but what could I have done differently? I feel like the doctors and I did everything possible to get the babies as much gestating as we could. And now that I see how everything has turned out, how could I have wanted anything different? They are wonderful, amazing, perfectly healthy children. I suppose that supermom has accomplished something that is rather brag-worthy, but I have an end result that I couldn’t be happier about.

We talked and talked. She asked me questions, I gave her answers. But the very first thing she asked was, “So do you have a life?!” And I assured her that she will, after a certain about of craziness, that is.  And of course, my biggest piece of advice when asked was to start a sleep schedule ASAP! They don’t even know how that will change their lives. I wrote my name, number, email address, and blog on a napkin and gave it to the proud parents, telling them to call me at any time with any question. Not that I’m an expert by any means, but you certainly learn a lot in the first year. I have had a source to turn to that was really a life saver, so I hope they don’t hesitate to call if needed. We could’ve talk for hours. It’s amazing how a little thing like having triplets can form this instant bond with someone you just met.

Seeing them really brought me back. I couldn’t help but feel anxious for them as I walked away, knowing full well what they were about to encounter.  As much as I miss my sweet, tiny babies, I am so in love with the big, silly ones I have now. And since I didn’t get one picture of that evening, what with trying to eat, catch up with old friends, and hold wild babies, so I’ll just show you what else we’ve been up to.

Ruby is walking around like it’s nobody’s business. Her brothers on the other hand. . .019

Everyone’s obsessed with books. 030

Sweet girl recovering from hives. It was pretty scary-looking, covering every inch of her porcelain skin, but she was pretty much her happy self for those few sad days. We’re glad to have the old Ruby back now.096

We had a fun weekend with the Robinsons here to entertain the babies. The kids certainly missed all that attention when they left. I Don’t know how you grandparents plan you trips so well to help with sick babies, but I was very glad to have the extra hands with my constantly fussy Bennett recovering from and ear infection. Thanks guys!114

The babies enjoyed looking at the first snow of the season today. It wasn’t a lot, but it was white, and quite festive. 133135

Here’s a little conversation I had with the kiddies today. Quite the chatterboxes these days. And the boys have this strange fascination with sneezing lately.

I don’t want to say this out loud cause I feel like I’ll  jinx it, so I’ll just whisper it to you: Everyone is looking and feeling better around here, and I am extremely relieved. They still cling to me at times, but over all, things are looking up. That was a long few weeks. I don’t know if it’s better when they stagger their illnesses, or get it all over with in one week. Both sound horrible to me. Oh well, I’m happy to have healthy kids, and that we are all getting more rest around here. We might just live in a bubble for the next few months. 


Cami said...

Today I was worried about Jane's having hives when she was scratching and screaming and had little red splotches all over. And then I saw this picture of Ruby. And then I told Jane to shut her little baby self up and go to bed. :)

Sounds like a good reunion. It's SO good to have resources too. That's why the RECC at our old school made us have playdates with people and set us up with mentors and things. That's how I met Julia! I'm glad you'll be a resource for someone else now. Jeffy loved the video and thought they were hilarious with their talking.

Sarah said...

I still can't believe how big they are. Has it really already been a year since we saw them in utah. They are darling. Glad to hear (quietly) that all the kids are doing well.

Janice Graham said...

AW, I miss you all. Cute talking! Say Nana!

Jill said...

I can't believe Ruby is walking, she looks so grown up! And those boots...adorable! where did you get them?

Love the video. The kids love seeing all those babies!

SassyMama said...

I'm glad you met up with the other triplet mom and gave her your info. I would have loved to have been able to get advice from a triplet mom a year or two ahead of me:). What a resource you could be for her!

melody said...

I will never get over Ruby's hilarious laugh. That video is darling.

I sincerely hope you will all be in the best of health for the next long while. I can't imagine having three sick babies. And poor Ruby with those hives! Glad everyone is well for Christmas.