Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Moses Basket

When the babies came home from the hospital, we used a Moses basket my friend gave us to lay them in throughout the day. And at nights it was handy to have next to the couch so I could slide whoever I was holding into it when they finally fell asleep, and get a little sleep myself.  It seems like a great place to place them for easy access, and so we wouldn’t accidentally sit on anyone snoozing on the couch (a legitimate concern when they were so small.) They looked so sweet in the little bed, either alone, or smooshed together. It didn’t phase me back them , how tiny they must’ve been to all three fit, even horizontally, in the basket meant for one child.11-1-09 073006 002 (2)069068

I was a little sad when we didn’t have a use for it anymore and put it away. It’s been under a crib storing blankets for about a year and a half. I was cleaning out there room a while, and I was thinking about giving it away when it dawned on me that the kids might like to play with it. Little did I know how right I was. They can’t get enough of the thing. Ruby is especially territorial. She drags is all over the house,  and even puts her dolls and animals to bed in it. But they find ways to play with in together. I’m pretty sure Ruby is responsible for all the piling of toys. It doesn’t seem like the boys really mind getting buried though. She also buries herself from time to time. She puts all her blankets, etc. in it, and them wiggles under them. IMG_2919IMG_2921IMG_2748IMG_2752021027IMG_2938IMG_2941

And now that they are giant toddlers, only one of them can certainly fill the whole thing out, and then some. Although, they do try to all squeeze into it together once in a while.

What other non-toy items could my kids find this entertaining? I might not need to buy anything new for Christmas. I’ll just pull out some old car seats and changing pads.


Lili and Jeff said...

It is insane how big they are now! They were just so teeny tiny. I'm sure they will love looking at these pictures when they are older.

GV said...

OH.. This is sooo cute. I was wondering the kids are infants NOW then as I slided down to the page and saw that same moses basket and one ov them sleeping in it.. it's cute how they grow up and still have things from when they were tiny.

Anonymous said...

I ask this as a person who babysits for lots of multiples, including identicals....when you look back at these pics, can you tell who is Alex and who is Bennett?

Emily said...

Most of them I am 100% sure who is who, but some of them I have to take a long hard look, and then hope that I am right. It was definitely tricky when they were so small!