Wednesday, July 04, 2012

If I Could Fast Forward

You know how there are points in our life where you feel like you are barely hanging on, and you feel like if one more thing comes along, you might explode? Well, I feel like we have like 10 of those things thrown at us lately, and let’s just say it hasn’t been fun. Power outages, heat waves, surgeries, bad reactions to medications, toddlers coughing ALL NIGHT LONG, nebulizing, constant pain, worrisome fires back home, threats of more storms here,  fun plans going down the tubes…I’m just about to the point of saying that I’m done. We’ve watched more tv, and eaten more fruit loops lately than I’d like to admit, but a human such as myself can only do so much. KC has been one amazing guy through all of this, keeping is spirits up, and taking on all the kid duties. I’ve spent a lot of time on my knees in the bathroom (please remind me to never take Vicodin again, no matter how much throbbing pain I have in my bottom left jaw bone for days at a time. Oh, and Zofran doesn’t help.), or lying in bed trying to rest. I’m lucky to have him. I felt like we were really starting to get back to normal a little earlier this week after our crazy weekend, and then everything started up again.  Please let things start to get better. Please.

I was so much looking forward to a fun gathering with friends today to celebrate this wonderful day to remember our freedom, for which I made a key lime pie. The babies and I weren’t feeling well enough to attend, so now what do I do with that delicious item? (My stomach isn’t up to eating it at the moment.) Here is the one picture I got today. 023

And now that I’m looking through our pictures from this week, it’s looks like we’ve all been doing a lot of lounging. 001002006007011017015013

I think we’re all ready for a fresh start.

I know things could be worse, so I’m trying to be grateful for what is good in my life. It will just be easier to do that when I’m getting sleep, not in pain, the kids are happy, and can eat normal, solid foods again.


ina240 said...

Super photo

Janice said...

Oh how I wish I was still there to help care for all you miserable bodies! you deserve this to all fast forward!
I am amazed that even when sick or over tired you take great photos. Hang in there.