Saturday, July 28, 2012

Here we go again...

I'm sitting in the oral surgeon's office about to undergo another procedure. Thanks to hardly any recovery time after my wisdom teeth extraction, I developed an excruciating dry socket, and the pain hasn't quit. A MONTH LATER! I haven't been the most pleasant wife and mother as I try to get through each day trying to ignore the throbbing, incessant pain on the left side of my face. I thought it was starting to get better, but when taking pain killers every three hours just to take the edge off, and going back to soft and liquid foods this week, I knew something had to be done.

I did see my doctor, who concluded after an examination and X-ray, that it was probably just nerve inflammation, and he just sent me off saying he hoped I feel better soon. Well, the pain/pressure only got worse after that, so I came back for further examination. I didn't really want to be cut open again, but at this point, I just want them to find something so they can fix it! I'm SO tired of the pain, and unlike Dr. House (who I oddly sympathize with now) I don't have the luxury of popping Vicodin each day without experiencing the most awful nausea/vomiting ever. Hopefully after today, I will be on my way to being myself again. I forgot what it like to eat without wincing. Keeping my fingers crossed!

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