Wednesday, October 29, 2008

"Dude, be straight, be true. What is shakin' and bakin' here."

I am pleased to present one of my favorite parts of Halloween time, The Blair Thumb. I understand this isn't for everybody, but it has me laughing out loud every time I see it (and I've seen it countless times). I haven't even seen The Blair Witch Project but a few moments on TV and this is still one of my favorite short films of all time. It actually made me think the clips that I saw of the original were hilarious since it seemed the thumbs had the characters right on. I think my family has incorporated many quotes from this movie into our everyday conversation without even thinking a second thought. Matty, I'll forever be indebted to you for introducing such an influential piece or work to me.

Someone made this trailer that has a few of the funniest parts, but not all of them. So if you need more, don't worry. Youtube has the whole 30 minute film in 5 parts for you to enjoy. But I guess I should warn you that there are a couple very short moments of slightly questionable material. But you'll probably be laughing so hard you won't here them.


Oh man. It gets me every single time.


Cami said...

HA! Oh man. There are so many lines that are now part of my daily vocabulary now. I was hoping "totally sharky, complete" would be in there, but no. We should have a BT night and watch it!

Drew said...

"We're here, in the woods, oh yeah!"

This is still the funniest Thumb movie, and I remember it was one of the first things I saw when I came home from Florida, although I remember seeing it in the Virgin Records store while there. Anyway, I finally DID see The Blair Witch Project, and it was scary and stuff and whatever, but the whole time I kept being reminded of this instead and it made the whole experience all the more entertaining.

Emily said...

Cami, let's make it a double-feature, and watch both the original (on clearplay) and the thumb version and we can laugh twice as hard.

Unknown said...

oh yes the blair thumb! funny funny!

Sarah said...

hahaha Ariel and I were just talking about the Blair thumb last night! "I'm just glad it wasn't me Man!"

Lili and Jeff said...

Look, these are his clothes!

He buys off the rack, it could be anyone!

Look, his license says here, Jish.


I have to have a thumbarathon one of these days with Jeff. They are brilliant. Thanks for sharing, Em, it had been a while since I had seen those wonderful clips.

Matt said...

We knew...they'd been all...SWITCHED UP!

Your title got me laughing enough to disrupt jacks reading time. Ha!