Monday, October 13, 2008

Trap Shootin'

For our mutual activity last week we went to the shooting range. A few of the kids and adults were experienced and had a great shot, but there were quite a few of us that were amateurs. I, being a always-take-the-safest-route person, was pretty nervous and initially only wanted to take one or two of my allotted 25 shots, just to try it out. But with a little coaching from one of the experienced young men, my 25 shots went swiftly by and I was actually ready for more. I think it was because I was pleasantly surprised by the number of clay disks I actually hit. Okay, it was only about 7 out of 25, but for someone as new to this as I was, I was pretty proud. So, even though I consider myself quite a girly-girl, I'm glad I can break out of my hair product, and pedicure ways to enjoy a little outdoor adventure. This is my girl Asanatu, and me trying to act tough. Okay, I'm the one trying, she really is tough.


Lili and Jeff said...

You look so natural holding that gun! Ha ha. Looks like it was quite fun. Was is really loud? I have heard that is gets very loud.

Matt said...

Wow. Look at that. I love shooting stuff. PULL!

melody said...

Cool! Our neighbors have been dying to take us shooting. Should we go?

Cami said...

That's actually a pretty cool activity! I always wanted to be a good shot.

Woods said...

Kev would love me if I would go shootin'! You might have to teach me one day.

Susan said...

huh, I don't think I ever shot a gun in a YM/YW activity as a girl or a leader. But I have shot a gun before and it does sort of make you feel tough. But I hate to tell you, you don't actually look very tough in that picture :P You may want to try a picture of you trying to get the last pair of cowboy boots in your size at a sale or something, THAT might give you a tougher look ;)

Tracie Frost said...

Now THAT is a fun, creative mutual activity! Did you go to that shooting range in Bowie? I've probably told you this, but my brothers are gun-toting fiends. They all have concealed weapons permits. We like guns where I come from!

Corinne said...

OH FRIEND. Do you know this post gave me a TEAR. I was Asanatu's young womens leader when they first arrived here!! OOOHHHHH how happy I am that she is still going to church!! I used to drive her home after mutual every night. Seriously, please hug her for me :)