Saturday, August 01, 2009

Holding down the fort.

I'm not sure who's going to be more relieved when this bedrest episode is over, KC or me. He'd never lead you to believe he's tired, but from all he does around here, it must be so. These are all the things he's accomplished on this fine Saturday, while I did nothing for him (though, to the babies, I am doing quite a job, keeping them alive and all.)
  • Three loads of laundry, including the sheets, which to a person on bedrest is quite a gift.
  • Rotated the mattress. Again, a nice thing to do for a bedrester. He also vacuumed the top of the mattress and pillows, to rid them of any accumulated dust. That's my allergy cursed husband for you.
  • The sheets have since been put back on the bed, and the rest of the laundry is being folded as I type.
  • Washed/detailed my car, and took pictures to start the selling process (sniff). Keep in mind it's freaking hot outside, and he was out there for a while.
  • Went to the store to pick up some food for a baby shower that I was supposed to be hosting, but was kindly taken over by some great friends. I did want us to help as much as possible, thus providing the food. He came home with TONS of dvds and books from said friends. (One of which is season 1 of Animaniacs. What?! KC is pretty excited, in fact, it's on right now. Actually quite funny.)
  • Since he had to get those groceries to the shower in a hurry, he went back to the store for our own groceries, where he was instructed to get the makings for root beer floats (today's craving, I guess).
  • Mowed the lawn.
  • Kept me supplied with lovely meals and snacks, sometimes being called in from the outside.
  • And I'm pretty sure he has plans to go to work for a few hours tonight.

I never thought I'd want to participate in housework so much. I think I was starting to hit my first wall today. I'm sure I'll hit a lot in the next couple months. For some reason, Saturday is harder for me. I do love that KC is here to keep me company most of the day. But the fact that the weekend doesn't mean anything different for me is starting to make me a little crazy. There's no break, you know? And even though I'm all alone most days of the week (I have been blessed by kind visitors on occasion, and it's really helps), I always have KC's return to look forward to, and it gives a little structure to the day, if that makes sense. Anyway, I have too much to think about laying around all day. So most of my blog posts will probably be too wordy, rambly, and might not make much sense. I guess that's how they were before, but now maybe even more so.

Wait, wasn't this post supposed to be about KC? And here I am focusing on me me me. I hope KC is taking care of himself amidst all this hard work. I'll have to make sure of that. Oh, and here is a picture of a monitoring session, and the pump that is my constant companion. It's since been moved to my leg. They like me to switch locations ever 4 days or so. It's funny that I still forget it's there sometimes when I get up to go to the bathroom.

Anyway, until my next ramble. Oh, and I'm 24 weeks today! That is a big milestone for us!


Janice said...

Hooray! 24 weeks! I think your shirt is lovely and your belly is even cuter. KC is a great guy, and I think you and these babies are the best motivation ever~!
Hugs to you both.

Melissa said...

Cute belly! Ok, just wait until you get excited for doctor appointments so you can go somewehre. That's when I knew things were low. Your feelings are normal. Bedrest is awful. People like to imagine it is so great because they get sick of working and doing routine chores but I'll tell you it was a wonderful day when I could make my own peanut butter sandwich. I totally know how you feel.

Jill said...

I can't even begin to imagine how annoying it would get to lay down ALL. DAY. LONG. I guess the rest of us probably take our mobility for granted!

The belly is darling, and I can't believe you are still wearing your wedding ring...bravo for your skinny fingers in the middle of the summer heat!

feel free to call and chat anytime you need a break from reading or TV watching...I'm sure we can find something to talk about :)

Michelle and Cisco said...

I'm so glad KC is taking such good care of you. I'm proud to call him my brother. Tell him I love him. You look like you are doing a great job of getting those babies here healthy!

Sarah said...

Thank you KC for taking such good care of Em!
I wish I was there to come visit! ...Have I said that lately?

Kristy said...

You look great and you guys are doing great!

I seriously hate having those monitors on. Plus my ONE baby always kicked them off. How do you keep it on?

Susan said...

First off, congrats for getting this far! I'm glad you can have normal cravings like rootbeer floats, I was so worried for you there in the beginning of your pregnancy! I'm glad you can recognize all KC does for you, I'm sure he's glad to be taking care of all 4 of you!

melody said...

Thanks for the pictures! Way to go, KC. I never doubted that he'd take exceptional care of you and the babies on the way.

Unknown said...

I am so glad that casey is taking such good care of the four of you! He is such a great guy! you just keep hanging in there! wish I was there to visit and keep you company! Your belly is so cute mine was never cute unless the clothes were covering it... stretch marks appeared early! and bravo for looking cute too in that cute shirt...I would be in my comfy pants and a t-shirt lol! :) and congrats on 24 weeks! yeah!

Brandon and Amanda Gregory said...

Congrats on the 24 weeks! that is so exciting! I love reading your blog. I just had to tell you:) And you look great! Hang in there! Good luck this week:)

Michelle and Cisco said...

I would love to come help hold down the fort. Please let me know if you want me to come be your in-home-caregiver. I can cook and clean and run errands for you and we can find a new hobby for you like quilting or knitting. Just let me know and I can be there before I start school! I hope you are doing good. We love you and pray for you all day everyday.

Jeri said...

I am so glad KC is being such an amazing husband/maid for you! I was on bed rest for a small minute. I asked for a banana, and FOUR HOURS later my husband brought me one. (Fired)

I am not sure if you remember me, but I am Cami's friend. I peek in on you every so often and I am so glad you are doing well. I have to say I would love to get my camera on your little bundles when they arrive. I know you have mad photography skills, but you want to be in some pictures too- right? =) (no charge of course! give me a call.)

Tracie Frost said...

Ya-hoo! Only 9 weeks to go!

Well, a lot has happened since we went on vacation. The last time I read your blog you had been swimming! Then I went to CA for 11 days and come back to you on bedrest. Bummer.

KC is awesome. So are you. Keep up the good work!

Nikki said...

You guys are both so great! Little M and I would like to stop by to entertain you some time (if that's ok). I'll email you about it...