Monday, February 14, 2011


There's a lot of love going on over here today, which I'll write about later. In the meantime, enjoy this little Valentine.
You can thank Elise and her mad skills for this little gem.


Janice said...

Love it!

Merinda Reeder said...

OK, now that's really great.
I love it.

Unknown said...

adorable. they are all little kewpies. remember those?

Sian said...

argh too cute!!!

Tracie Frost said...

By far the cutest thing I've seen this Valentine's Day!!

Savannah said...

Cutest valentine ever! I love this!
( PS Emily for some reason I was having problems adding your email to the list, if you can't look at my blog let me know! I was having some struggles, my email is!)

Jonathan and Janessa said...

That's the cutest Valentine I've ever seen :)

Jill said...

Too cute. I love little naked bums.

You've got some mad skills Lili.

Woods said...

Are you kidding? That might be the cutest thing I've ever seen!!

Cami said...

It's so cute.