Monday, January 26, 2009

It makes no difference

if you stay up into the late hours when you are in a different time zone. You will (at least I will) still wake you at your normal time (actually a bit earlier than my current normal time-I have actually been sleeping until about 7-7:30 at home) when you are on vacation. So, for me that was 4:47 am when I went to bed around midnight, all Utah time. I am still exhausted, and my eyes would still like to be closed, but my brain is going strong. So for the past couple hours I've been watching tv, reading blogs, etc. Thank heavens for the internet when you are an early bird in an earlier time zone. And I don't really see anyone waking up anytime soon. Maybe Julia will be a dear and wake up to keep me company. I could always read my book, or hang out with my friends from SVU.

On another note, it's so fun to be with the fam! They were so funny and all crowded around the door to scream at me when I walked in. They really know how to make a visitor feel special. I can't wait for the days to come. KC, in an effort to feel more a part of this trip, has asked me to do something for him. K.C.Q.D. -that is KC's daily question. He has asked that I try to ask a question that I might hear him ask someone, so that when we talk, he'll be able to get the answer that he might get. He really does ask questions a certain way, so I tried it yesterday, and it worked. I am learning new and different things. We'll see what answers the other questions hold.


Marianne said...

yeah! You're here! We have to make a lunch date with the 3 of us very soon:)

Jill said...

have a great time in utah...I wish I was going to be there so we could all get together. Good luck with your early mornings, I bet you will be exhausted by the end of your trip!

Sarah said...

why didn't i know you were here?