Saturday, May 16, 2009

Want to see something really cute?

Here is Melody and Jonny's newborn son Gabriel! They had him yesterday, a little after 8 am. I actually made my routine morning call to Melody right as she was pushing him out. Yikes! But she did so great and felt well enough to call me back not even an hour after he as born. I heard some of his first cries, and almost cried myself, because I wasn't there in person to witness this little angel. She said he's eating great, and I can just see him getting chubbier by the day. Nice.
We have all been wondering when this would all go down. In fact they were scheduled to be induced that morning, and lo and behold, her water broke in the middle of the night. Hooray! Anyway, more precious pictures and the rest of the details are in their blog, which you simply must see. Julia will be such a great big sister. I can tell.

It's so fun seeing my twin sister become a parent again. She is a wonderful mother, and I can't wait to see a little boy in all her pictures too. They are such a fun family, I can just tell he's going to bring out the fun even more! Her family is so special to me, as are all my siblings. Oh, I just need to be closer to them! Someday, and that day will not come soon enough.

Seeing their pictures make my arms ache for my little ones as I get baby hungrier by the day. But at least they'll share for a while until my arms are fuller than they have ever been. I get to satisfy my appetitie in a few weeks when I visit. And I'll be counting down the days.

(I know I said sono pics were coming, and I've had the post written for days, I've just been too lazy/nauseous to scan them in. They're coming. I just had to get this great news out first!)


Tracie Frost said...

Precious!! It's so hard to get good newborn pictures. Wow, he is beautiful!

Jill said...

He is such a little doll..all nine pounds of him!!

um, did I read that right that you will be in utah in a couple of weeks? I will be there from the 13-23 of june...will our paths cross?!?

Kristy said...

So sweet! There is nothing better than a brand new child.