Sunday, March 16, 2008

All you gotta say is No-whoa!

Our primary leadership really goes above and beyond. This past Saturday was Primary Safety Day. With a few kids that we have in primary, they could use that as an excuse to not do very exciting activities. But not so. This day was well thought out and well planned to let them know what to do in various situations: household safety, stranger safety, spiritual safety and fire safety. The kids really responded, and I think they will remember a little from it. Christina and I couldn't help but sing a few Safety Kids or Standin' Tall songs quietly to ourselves as they children were told how to say "NO" when strangers approach them. ("Say a tough no, N-O. A cool no, no gotta go... A laughing no, ah-ha-ha-ha-ha NO. A lengthy no, Noooooooooo..." or " Look for a Grandma or mother with children..." You'll understand if you listened to those songs when you were younger. The title is also part of the "No" song, if you didn't get it.) The put pictures of strangers in front of their faces to role play with the kids to learn what to do. (Mike Huckabee was one of the strangers-run away!) Anyway, it was a success complete with healthy snacks and a fire truck! Yep, right there in our church parking lot with about 3 or 4 firefighters. They were really good sports. And even though the kids saw the man put the gear on piece by piece, they were still scared when he was fully uniformed. I can kind of understand, it looks rather intimidating. But let let us all have a seat in the truck and the kids just loved it. It was a very successful activity despite several absent members of the primary who we missed. But I think the adults had just as much fun as the kids. Our next activity will be the Zoo in May. Sadly, I won't be able to make it, but I'm sure there will be fun to be had. Remember kids, be safe! "Safety Kids, you'd like to be one, smile when you see one, they're everywhere..."


Cami said...

That is a good activity! I am having a Brite Music party soon so I can get those CDs. We borrowed Corinne's one day and the kids LOVED it. Oh my.

Bean said...

I've got an itch to go buy those CDs now.
And I have had the songs in my head and i still remember all the words!

mylittlegems said...

I wish we had a great Primary Presidency like that. What a great activity! fun!

Lili and Jeff said...

How very fun. I would have died of happiness should our primary do something like that. And YOU even got to sit in the big truck! Was it everything you imagined and more!?