Thursday, March 13, 2008

August Rush

If you haven't seen it, add it to your Netflix queue. We loved it, and though slightly unbelievable (without the best review from rotten tomatoes-boo), it was so touching. We even watched well into the night, not wanting to stop even though it was way past our bedtime. It's nice to have a wholesome uplifting movie to watch these days.

On another note, it is THE MOST beautiful day outside. Ideal for a solo, leisurely, thought provoking walk. I might just do that.


Marianne said...

Have you checked out Martian Child yet? I cried. It is so good.

Sarah said...

I really liked this too. Ariel and I talked about it the whole way home. It is a little cheesy and slightly predictable (thanks to the give away previews) but cute story and just a nice clean, feel good movie. I do think it is true music can bring people together and feel things they would not feel any other way. But... this is a little on the extreme end. Good flick.

Amber said...

I've heard it was a good one. We'll have to check it out.

Cami said...

I've been meaning to rent that for sure! It was a lovely day. I waited for buses outside with a book, and there were no jackets at the park today. Good times.