Saturday, April 26, 2008


4:30 am is my body's new wake up time. It's like I have an inner alarm clock. Aren't you jealous? I hope not.


Susan said...

posted at 4:25 am, I see. Wow, yeah, lucky you.

Emily said...

That is funny because I didn't actually write it at 4:25 am. My blogger account must be in a different time zone. It was more like 8:30 when I posted. How ironic.

Jill said...

funny how our body clocks 4:30 in the morning I have only been asleep for about 3 1/2 hours and usually will not be awake again for about 6 hours. What do you do at 4 am??

Cami said...

Ooooh, me too. I wake up for good at 6:20 sharp each day. Not quite as bad as 4:30 though.

Kristy said...

That's annoying!

Jenni said...

That is rough!! I am so not a morning person so I can't relate, but I can feel for you!!

Sarah said...

I used to have an inner alarm clock - working nights broke it though. Just think it is geting you ready for motherhood - 4:30 feedings. The nice thing about wakig up early (if you get to bed early) is you get so much done before everyone wakes up.

Drew said...

NO, I am not jealous. I am very sad for you. Sleeping in (now and then, I suppose), is one of life's greatest joys.

melody said...

Ha! Not surprised at Drew's comment. And, sorry to say, not surprised at the latest workings of your biological clock. Good thing you are a morning person!

Unknown said...

you are crazy i hate mornings, and especially now more than ever being pregnant i am tired a lot!