Saturday, February 14, 2009

Utah hair, here I come.

I will revisit that disturbing news below at a later date when I have come to grips with reality.

But right now, for your enjoyment and pleasure, I want to introduce you to "Bumpits". That's right, your answer to flat hair. Casually watching TV just now, we were graced by this infomercial. And to tell you the truth, I was quiet horrified. I mean, do people really need THAT much volume? It's outrageous. I'm pretty sure the more natural look is in right now, or maybe that's the "Marylander" in me talking. But still, that infomercial is the best and had me laughing the whole way through, mostly in disbelief. And the website is just as good. Under the "Happiology" link, the creator Kelly (signed with a smiley face) calles herself the "Cheif Executive Optimist." I'm feeling happier already. I wonder what gets into people sometimes. All I can say is I wish Kelly luck. I wonder where her biggest sales will be from. Nashville? Utah? Texas?


Jill said...

oh that is hilarious! I am pretty sure one of those bumpits made it's way to washington because there is a girl in my ward that has some crazy volume!

Jonathan and Janessa said...

We saw that commercial too and the first thing my husband said was, "I didn't know that Utah hair is the style now days!" I especially like how the info you posted says "Bumpits are not edible". Haha, I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought this is kind of a silly product.

Kristy said...

hahahahaha, I couldn't stop laughing. THANK YOU FOR SHARING! Can you imagine the money people will now save on hairspray?

Michelle and Cisco said...

HAHA this infomercial makes me laugh every time it comes on. When Camille was here we were laughing about Utah hair and i was telling her about this infomercial. I feel bad for those poor people who think this looks good... there are a lot of them in Utah.

Jules said...

My favorite part about Bumpits is that the website specifies that they are not edible. Do they look like food? I'm pretty sure they really, really don't.

Also, everytime I see the word "bumpits" all I think is "armpits" and that can't be good.

(Also, hello! I like your pretty blog.)

Cami said...

No. WAY. HA! That is serious.