Monday, February 15, 2010

Wifely Pride

I can't sleep and it's making me really mad since the babies have all been sound asleep for 3 hours now. I hate lost hours of sleep, and really hate thinking about how tired I'll be in the morning. Serves me right for taking a precious hour long nap today. I guess I'm not used to being so rested. Geeze. But I might as well use this time to tell you something cool.

KC is a good husband and dad. But you already know that because I've said it many times before. Do you know what else he is good at? Passing the P.E. exam (that stands for Professional Engineering for those who may not know). This test has been long awaited and is extremely important for his career path. It's been weighing over our heads for a couple years now, so we were glad he was at least starting the process. He was fully expecting to take it again, given that he took it right after the babies were born. Lots of distractions, a wife recovering from surgery, not much sleep, and not much time to study. When I was coming home from Utah, he told me that he had a surprise waiting for me when I got there. Little did I know the surprise would be this grand. This means big things for our family, and I am one proud wife. This really is a great accomplishment. I'm happy for him, I'm happy for me, and I'm excited to see where this might take us. We'd have a big party to celebrate if we had the energy/time/space/willingness to do so. I guess the big hug and kiss(es) I gave him when I found out will have to suffice. Good work, honey.

I might be tired now. Good night.


Michelle and Cisco said...

Give KC a big hug from me and tell him congrats. He always did have the most brains in the family.

Lindsey said...

Yay Congrats to all! And I was laughing out loud on all those adorable videos!

Anonymous said...

Jake said...

KC, that's awesome! I know that's been on your minds for quite some time now. Smart man that Kenneth!

Carol Joy said...

Oh, congrats KC!! I always knew big things would happen for/because of you! ;)

melody said...

Oh yeah, way to go. That must be a serious load off of his mind. (And yours as well, Em.)

Sarah said...

Congrats KC. If I was closer I would bring you a big bouquet of cookies, or brownies, or some sort of treat.

Tracie Frost said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! That is SO awesome! Now you can start thinking about going back west!

Cami said...

I HATE not being able to sleep when everyone is. I was pacing around the house the other night because of that. Ugh. Sorry.

But YAY for KC!!! Hooray! Great job.

Unknown said...

makes me remember when I finally passed the CPA exam. What a relief. and opens doors that were closed before . . .

Janine said...

Way to go KC! That is a big accomplishment, and I am sure you guys can all breathe a sigh of relief. It is nice to know the bread winner is able to keep up with the brood. :)