Tuesday, July 14, 2009


When I was babysitting a few months back, it was a very common occurrence to be going about our daily activities, and then all of the sudden hear a loud bonking sound over and over coming from the sun room on the side of the house. When I first heard this, I investigated the incessant noise. While walking over to the room, I asked the kids what the noise was. Wade replied without even really looking up from what he was doing, that it was "Bonker", the aptly named red Cardinal that made a daily visit to the window. The kids were used to it, but I was stunned. Every day this poor little bird slammed himself over and over into the glass as if he were determined to get in one of these days. And he never learned his lesson either. This happened almost every time I went to their house, and we always knew when Bonker had arrived. He'd perch on the branch near the window, ram into it, go back to his perch, and do it all over again. Poor little fella.

At our house, we have a similar scenario, but it isn't always the same window or the same bird, as far as I know. But every now and then we hear a loud startling smacking sound on one of our several windows surrounding the house. They have even made me jump at times. I feel so sorry for the little birds, fearing that some of these loud smacks might lead to their doom. There was one rather loud one I remember, and it wasn't until a day or two later that I found this when I opened the blinds.

They must see the reflection of the trees or something, and just think they are having a nice flight, only to get blindsided. When will they learn? It kind of reminds me of this commercial, only it's them getting back at us for all that we put them through with our blasted windows.


Unknown said...

You shouldn't keep your windows so clean! lol :)

Tracie Frost said...

Oh, poor little birdies! That cracks me up that they call their woodpecker "Bonker."

I love the pics of the new you! Wow! I know it feels great to be 1) over half way there 2) over the nausea 3) to have car seats! I loved that story about Kc and the carseats. I just got a new one for Eli today and was reading the ratings for the convertible ones. Yes, there are some interesting carseat people out there!

What are your plans for the nursery? I really, really want to know!!

Oh, and I made your sundae cake this weekend and it was a huge hit.

Glad you're doing so well! Miss you! Tracie

Cami said...

Awww, they have a NAME for him? Poor guy. I think I'll start calling Janey the bonker. Pretty accurate.