Saturday, July 04, 2009

Car seats. . .check!

The other day while I was talking on the phone to Melody, I was distracted by some commotion outside. I was a little miffed when I thought it was just the neighbors making noise. But I soon realized it was a huge UPS truck dropping off three very large packages on my doorstep. This is what I found.

The story of how these came about is a little funny, so I'll share. It started on a day that I felt like we simple MUST start getting on the ball as far as major baby purchases. Since car seats seem to be pretty high up on that list of priorities, we started there. We went to Babies R Us just to get a feel of what we were dealing with. There wasn't much of a variety to choose from, so I quickly glanced and moved on to other baby stuff, thinking we'd just go online to make the purchase. I'd seen car seats before, so it wasn't anything new to me, but KC was in a whole new world. He stayed in that aisle for quite some time pushing buttons, pulling straps, reading specs, lifting so see the difference in weight, and just anything else an engineer can think of when examining car seats for the first time. It hadn't crossed my mind that this was new territory to him. He was quite amazed at this new complex gadget that he'd come across. When he was satisfied with learning all he could, we went home and he started to search online. I was too tired to care about it anymore for that day, so I went to bed thinking we'd made enough progress and we'd work on it some more tomorrow. KC usually joins me a little while later since I retire so early these days. This time it was quite a while later. When I woke up and noticed the time, I asked what he had been doing all night, he responded with, " I now know everything there is to know about car seats." I couldn't help but laugh, but he was serious. He had read every forum, review, and car seat technicians advice he could come across. He found all these car seat crazy people who write on these forums, and as their signature after each entry they include how many kids they have, what kind of car seat they have/had each of them in, and whether they are rear-facing, or front facing, or when they graduated to front facing or seat belt alone, as if it were some huge milestone in their family's life. But of course it is all in acronyms that you are supposed to just know if you are in the car seat forum community. For example : DD born 4/11/05 in FF Pink Sky Britax Frontier. There was one lady who I guess you could call a "car seat purist" who kept her son rear facing for as long as possible (like those people who breastfeed until their kids are five). They usually include pictures, and this kids legs were all Indian style against the seat since he couldn't stretch out. They must've had some ceremony and shed a few tears when they turned him around. Did you know there were people like this out there?

Anyway, KC must've been so entertained that he stuck around those forums to learn as much as he could. Amidst the craziness, there was a lot of good information concerning preemies, and what the hospital technician will require when we take them home in their tiny state. When KC found what he wanted, he looked for deals, and finally found exactly what suited him in model and price. They are actually a new model that have rave reviews. He did a lot more research than I would've thought necessary, but isn't that a dad's job? I let him take the lead where he wants to, saving me the trouble of deciding myself. The bottom like is, they look like they will do their job well, and I can't wait to start using them.

Now, let's just hope they fit in the stroller frame I've finally decided on.


Unknown said...

oh how exciting! I think that is great that casey does that! Took a little load off of your back! and great he was willing to do so much research, that is a big safety item. and if they dont fit in your stroller no worries, i was worried about that too But i could never find a double that fit two car seats in it, and by the time they ever used it cause it was winter time.. we didn't go very many places (rsv season the dr told us to try and not go very many places till they were six months old because premature babies are more prone to getting it) So I wouldnt stress about it to much! but that is exciting and casey good work! now to the next thing! :)

Casey said...

lol. I had no idea there were people out there so into their car seats! But, I do think it's great that your husband did so much research, it's good for dad's to really get into it!

Jonathan and Janessa said...

I'm glad you found car seats that you like. They are a big item that are used often, so it helps to have one you like. Good luck with the rest of the items on your list!

Janice said...

Leave it up to KC to figure it out. It's great to see the gear that is going to be part of your life soon.

Cami said...

Whoosh! I'm glad he knows all about it. I pretty much chose by fabric. :) No, I did my fair share of research. I hope they work out for you. The frames are pretty universal these days, so hopefully they work out.

Also, I'd think rear-facing for so long would be a little dangerous! I mean, seriously, those little crossed legs could get seriously injured!

Kristy said...

Sweet! Always fun to feel one more step ahead.

Janine said...

I can't quite make it out from the picture, but what brand and model did you end up buying?

Emily said...

We got the Safety 1st On Board seats. For some reason my pictures won't zoom closer. We'll have to see about that.

Woods said...

I'm impressed! He is such an engineer! I'm sure he makes things a little bit easier.

Chad and Bree Fowles said...

I am with Cami on this one...I went with whats the cutest and came with the matching stroller! although I got nailed by another car not too long ago and their insurance company INSISTED I get a new car seat. Now we are strolling around with a brown and green car seat in a black and purple stroller.....ugh! my suggestion for stroller(s) go with the lightest most compact yet durable. especially if your going to have to squeeze more than one in the trunk. if your buying a triplet stoller.....good freaking luck that is beyond my scope of experience.

Sarah said...

Nice! Good job KC!

Matt said...


Jill said...

I am sure you already have a copy, but there is a great book called "baby bargains". If you don't have it, get it. The entire thing goes over any and every item you could possibly need for a child, and rates it according to price, safety, and quality. It also gives you the pros and cons to each item. It was my bible when it came to purchasing baby things.

This is all so exciting, I can't wait to see more of your purchases!