Thursday, June 10, 2010

So, you wanna hear about my crazy Tuesday?

I’m sure you are all aching to know. First of all, the babies are all doing great. There are lingering coughs and sore gums, but they are as sweet as ever, and I love them. The past few days have been a different story. And I’ll just add that my temperament could’ve been adjusted (let’s blame hormones) to have dealt with everything better. It’s just makes a mom a little nuts to hear crying for the better part of the day, from three different mouths. Good thing babies are forgetful/forgiving/cute.

So here is the story of my event for the week. We bought a stroller on Monday. (This is an entirely different post that I will get into later.) I was outside during morning naptime on Tuesday checking it out, and fiddling around with my new toy. All of the sudden, I felt a sharp pain on the fourth toe of my left foot, and my whole foot instantly started throbbing in pain. I knew I had been stung by something, but I shook my foot so hard to get whatever it was off, that I didn’t see what it was. I will admit, I started to panic a tiny bit. I rubbed the area with alcohol, as I googled like crazy to see if I was going to die, or my foot was going to fall off.  The pain kept at it, and I could see a trail of poison going through my toe, into my foot, and the pain kept moving up into my ankle. Then the toe really started to puff up. I kept thinking about the babies, and what I would do with them if I had to rush to the ER or something. I had no idea if I was going have a serious allergic reaction or something. When I called KC, he reminded me of our insurance hotline, which I then called. Now, let me just say, I wasn’t in a frenzy, I was calmly trying to decide if this was a serious matter, thinking about the babies mostly. So I talked with the nice lady, and she assumed it might be a wasp, or something like it. Which is what I also concluded, and makes a lot of sense since we found a wasp nest in our back yard a few days ago. She just advised me to get a tetanus shot in the next few days (haven’t done that), and said everything would be fine, with the exception of a little discomfort. So I put a little baking soda paste on my poor little toe, the pain began to dissipate, and took it easy for the rest of nap time, thankful that it wasn’t anything worse.

So when the babies got up, I was letting them play a little before it was time to eat, and I was so tired, I instantly fell asleep right there on the couch for 20 minutes while they were in their bumbos enjoying Baby Einstein.  Then as I was going about my business later, I felt pretty uneasy, and my jaw started to feel stiff. I started feeling nauseous, hot, and sweaty, and then I decided I was not doing okay. I called KC to come home immediately, and then called 911 in case something were to happen to me in the meantime. I seriously couldn’t stand the thought of my three babies alone and helpless. I was feeling weak as I talked to the dispatcher. She said paramedics were on the way, and I should call a neighbor to come in case I had to be rushed away. I felt okay hanging up with her, so I called Jan to see if she would be on call just in case. Of course she was willing to help, and then the paramedics arrived. A couple guys came it. They were very calm and understanding. I was shaky and weak, but they took my vitals and I was okay. They said I was having a small allergic reaction, and next time it could be a lot worse. I really appreciated the calm way they went about things. I didn’t want things to get blown out of proportion. I was so glad to know things were okay. They said they would take me in when KC got there if I felt like I needed it, but I said I would be fine.

So KC came home after a half day of work to take care of the babies and me. I was so glad to see him. I could function alright, but I was relieved to have another pair of arms to help me lift all these babies in my weakened state. I felt pretty gross the rest of the day, and it took until late that night to really start feeling like myself again.

What a day! I guess I am allergic to wasps. KC went out to get a wasp trap that night. I’m a little scared to go outside. What if the babies were stung?! We’ve got to get this taken care of.

I could feel dumb for making such a big deal when everything was fine, but I really was thinking about the children, and don’t regret any of my actions. You have to play it safe when kids are involved, I’m learning. 

So, there you have it. I’m hoping next week isn’t quite as eventful. Though, it wasn’t all bad. We’ve enjoyed some fun rainstorms, which we found out the babies love to watch. Yesterday I even took them for a ride during one. I thought we might as well drive around the Arboretum after dropping a load off at the Salvation Army. The Arboretum really looked amazing with the slight fog, and drizzling rain. It was so green. I loved driving through the narrow windy roads through the acres of forest. We pretty much had it to ourselves. A great way to use a good rainy day, if you ask me.  The babies all took a great little catnap too, which they needed. 004

Now, I’m ready for a nap just reliving this as I wrote it.


katy said...
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katy said...

Wow that is way crazy I can't belive that all happened in one day and you should definatly get rid of that wasp nest!!!!

Savannah said...

What a crazy day! So glad you're okay! Have you never been stung by a wasp before I'm guessing? I swear I get stung like once every summer- little beasties! You're super mom!!

Matt said...

Shoot. I think you did just right. I'm glad you didn't have a worse reaction. Maybe you need one of those epinephrine dispenser pens...or 4.

Lili and Jeff said...

Good heavens! I think I would have done what you did. Imagine if you had passed out or something, and your babies were stuck there for hours! The thought of it is just terrible. Wasps are pure evil.

Jonathan and Janessa said...

Scary! You did the right thing! When you said your jaw got stiff I was scared you were going to say that tetanus had started to set it...since the nick-name for tetanus is "lock-jaw". Glad you're okay now. Was that your first wasp sting or is this allergy a new development?

Megan and Taj said...

oh my!!! I am so glad you are ok.. Holy cow I would have done exactly what you did given the situation at hand! I got stung by a bee once and my whole arm puffed up... scary stuff!! So so glad you are ok!

Cami said...

That is crazy times. Mom was keeping me apprised all the day. We found a bunch of nests in our side yard. We should probably do something about that. Glad you're ok.

Sarah said...

Yikes! Keep an epi-pen on hand and some benadryl!

Jann said...

That is scary stuff. You need to get some Propolis Echinacea Throat Spray by Herb Pharm. Long story how I found out this works, but it does. My kids ran into a wasp nest. Amanda got 23 bites. It was awful. I immediately sprayed all the bites with the above spray, and the pain was almost instantly gone. Every time they started to hurt I would just spray them again. By the next day, you could not even tell the kids were bitten. This works on all sorts of bites, including mosquito and red ant bites. I even have some spray in my car.

Amber said...

That was the worst! You never can be too careful with your health, especially with those little dumplings around!