Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Sure Enough.

Alex has two little bottom teeth showing!  I guess that’s what we get with identical twins. Both teething at the exact same time. He is being such a good sport about it, as you can see. He has his moments, but I have to say he has been a very sweet little boy lately. Maybe it’s cause I’ve been on top of the pain reliever, thanks to Bennett for getting the ball rolling. He’s even been napping well. It’s funny how much easier things can be when even one of them is acting nice. His toes seem to be one of his favorite teething toys these days. 027013

Ruby still has yet to show us any tiny teeth, but she has the worst of the colds, and a very uncomfortable looking diaper rash, so I’m glad she has relief somewhere (thank goodness for bulb syringes and humidifiers). I’ll keep an eye on her gums, but maybe she’ll take her time. We’ll see. Still such a sweetheart.002

We’ve been trying a lot of different gum soothing techniques/distractions. I dipped part of a few wash cloths in water, and froze them. They enjoyed chewing on those for a while. 010

I’ve been having a doozy of a week, yesterday topping it all, but I thought I’d get this up before I taint this little milestone with my own tiffs. Happy teething, babies! ( I wish.)       



Unknown said...

those cute little faces and smiles make it all worth it. they are adorable, and you are a rock star. :)

Unknown said...

well, I'll be. Those kids are moving right along. And good for you for hanging in there.

Cami said...

But look at Ruby in those JAMMIES! In case you care, what I did during the really bad teething days is alternate Motrin and Tylenol--then you can give them doses every 3 hours, so my doctor said. But teething is not fun. I hope you make it through in one piece.

Janice said...

Ruby is getting more beautiful with each new photo. Cold washcloths are perfect for teething gums. Teeth!

Amber said...

Oh the joys of it all! I love the toe teethers! And what a cute pic of Ruby-so sweet and innocent! By the way, Katy has a blog now, of course I don't know how to get to it but I'm sure you can figure it out!

Matt said...

Big Alex is going AFTER that thing in the last picture. Love it.