Friday, July 02, 2010

The Curse

Why is it that babies (at least my babies) are so good when they don't really need to be, and a little naughty at the worst possible times? It seems like every time I need them to take a nap, they don't, and when I’m not so concerned about a good nap, or need them to wake up so we can make it to something at a certain time, they just keep on sleeping. Something else I get a little miffed at is their insistence on acting up at bedtime whenever someone else is in the house. Seriously, no matter who we have over, a babysitter, friends for dinner, even when KC had a EQ meeting, the babies just want to cry and cry in bed, instead of going down peacefully like they normally do. Maybe it's just that I notice it more when people are here, and it doesn't bother me as much when we're the only ones that can hear it, but it seems like a pattern to me. I just feel uncomfortable and really can't relax until it's quiet. And it's a little embarrassing for them since they really are good, sweet babies. Maybe my expectations are just too high. ( I say “they” a lot even though it not always all of them at the same time. But they take turns being the guilty party, so I clump them into one for this circumstance.)

I do have to hand it to them for last night though. I was having a book group meeting here (I totally recommend I Capture the Castle, by the way), and they were quiet little angels the whole time. Maybe the curse is breaking.

As far as DVs go, that might be it for now. That’s a good one to end on. Of course I’ll probably back with more very soon, knowing me and my upload-happy self. Here are some pictures of the sweets instead.

A. (This little nerd crack me up. And fyi, I think all babies go though a nerdy phase, and I mean that in the best possible way. A complete term of endearment.) 039077070

B. (He deserves more pictures because he was cooperating the best.)052084090086

R. (Sometimes I like to play with the little hair she has, poor little bald girl.)045049 069

055095 110 115

(I am not, by any means, trying to be any kind of photographer with these pictures. I know they aren’t great, and I know that I don’t know enough about my camera and lenses to take great pictures just yet. And I don’t have Photoshop either. Someday.)


Woods said...

Oh my gosh my kids do the same thing!! I can't even imagine how hard it would be with three. You are so amazing. You seriously have some of the cutest babies I've ever seen. They are so sweet! They should be they come from a sweet Mom!!

Unknown said...

I know what you mean about the waiting until you need them to be good to start acting up. To quote Clouseau, "All part of life's rich pageant, you know." (please say in Clouseau's distinctive French accent) They surely are photogenic little cuties.

melody said...

Oh, I love the close-ups. Their teeth are darling!

Cami said...

I think they're lovely pics! LOVE those teeth and those chubby little cheeks!

I hear you on the being the worst at the worst possible time. Seriously, Jane is kind of bipolar lately, and she brings on the bad RIGHT when I need her to be good sometimes. I can imagine with 3 taking turns, it feels like ALL the time.

How did you like the book? That is my choice for my group in a few months.

Drew said...

YAY for pictures. They are so cute and fat!

Sian said...

So beautiful! my nine month old has two little teeth in the exactly same spot! I have the same thing with nap time too (althought I dont have three) When I need him to sleep he wakes early. When it doesnt matter or we are going out he sleeps and sleeps. I think they know exactly what they are doing x

Unknown said...

I love the pic with all three looking concerned and totally enthralled by whatever the other one is saying!!

Anonymous said...

I love your pics always. the tooth pic is my fav. today

Wendy K said...

Yeah, it seems like they don't want to miss the fun by taking a nap when there are guests over. That's amazing that they were good for your book group though because I'd expect it to last their whole lives. As for myself, I still can't take naps very easily!

Sarah said...

I laughed so hard at the third from the last. Oh man. Their faces are killing me!

Silvia said...

Your babies are so, so cute!!